
Troubles with Group Work.

Hey everyone.

As far as group work goes, it's hard to feel a lot of sympathy for groups who don't use class time wisely. I only assign one group project per semester, and I allow for much time in class. Not many other teachers do that.

And, I decided over the weekend that if you want to post on the BisonBlog, then that would also count towards the 10 posts for class.
Two big emails have gone out in the last few days about deadlines and portfolio answers.. make sure you read 'em! (I used Blackboard to send out the email, so I am assuming everyone that's plugged into Blackboard got 'em.)

I had a GREAT break... hope you all did as well.


Check your email for updates regarding next week: Nov 16-18!

I also think it is a little goofy to have classes this Friday, but... it doesn't affect me so I don't worry. Plus, I heard lots of profs are just cancelling class anyhow.